Friday, 3/5/2024 | 8:35 UTC+0



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It costs real money to keep The Pete Santilli Show alive and to grow E-Militia News!   In addition to Liberty One being the home of The Pete Santilli Show,  has become a destination for our listeners and viewers to connect with citizen journalists around the country, and around the globe.   As everyone knows, Pete Santilli is a pioneer in Social Media Broadcasting & Live Streaming.  Over the past several years, we’ve literally reached millions of listeners. In fact, in January 2016, Pete reached more viewers with his coverage of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge Protest than the entire Main Stream Media combined.   We want to teach Citizen Journalists how to report the news from the eyes of us “steak-n-potatoes” people.   There’s no better teacher than Pete himself.   As a Pete Santilli Show Insider Club Member, you will help fund this effort and grow independent media into what it deserves to be; a people-powered network of like-minded individuals seeking the truth about the world we live in.  With your help and support, there’s nothing that the powers-that-be, especially the 6 corporations who presently have a choke hold in the flow of information, can do to stop us!

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Your monthly contribution will go along way towards helping Pete Santilli and Deb Jordan contribute to building Liberty One Broadcasting Network.  Additionally, Pete has been writing a book about his experience over the past several years as the most controversial talk show host in America.  An interesting fact about Pete Santilli is that he’s the longest held journalist in American history – 619 days, and boy does he have a lot to share about what’s happened behind the scenes since he covered the Bundy Ranch story in 2014.  The book he’s writing is bombshell, and as an SBN Insider, you’ll be first to receive access to purchasing a copy.  Most importantly, your monthly contribution will go towards funding the book, as he intends to self-publish and retain the full rights to his story.

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  6. EMAIL PETE SANTILLI & DEB JORDAN:  Members have insider access to Pete Santilli & Deb Jordan via our private e-mail system. Pete & Deb will often use listener e-mails in presenting the show. Use this new system to communicate your thoughts, ideas and opinions as Pete & Deb prepare each night’s broadcast.
  7. BREAKING NEWS:  As an Pete Santilli Show Insider Club Member, you’ll be first to receive Special and Breaking News Reports, as well notifications of upcoming guests.
  8. SUPER-VIP: Super-VIP’s will have direct access to Pete Santilli via text, email, and will receive a monthly call personally from Pete & Deb.  As a Super-VIP, you’re treated extra-special, because you’re making an extra-special contribution to help fund independent media.

How will your monthly contribution be used?

  • E-MILITIA NEWS BROADCASTING OPERATIONS:  You will be directly contributing to helping grow our operation.
  • CITIZEN JOURNALISM: We’re actively developing some exciting ideas and news about E-Militia’s future plans to support Citizen Journalism in America
  • MONTHLY OVERHEAD:  To keep independent media “independent”, it’s important for us all to know that news and information must be people-powered, not corporate controlled.   The Pete Santilli receives a very small portion of it’s monthly revenue from small advertisers.  Our long term goal is to educate the public; especially the millions of Americans who are cutting the cord and departing the Main Stream Media in droves.
  • THE BOOK (TITLE TO BE DETERMINED): Help fund Pete’s epic book about his experience as a Political Prisoner.  As we all know, the big publishing companies pay a big advance, but Pete would have to surrender profit margin as well as certain rights to his story.

CLICK HERE to go to The Pete Santilli Show’s Direct Paypal Link & make a one-time donation


Today more than ever, independent journalism plays a fundamental role in creating and maintaining healthy, informed societies.  So much information is now available, and so much of it is—intentionally or not— so untruthful, that it becomes necessary for independent journalists to strengthen its role as the professional verifier, explainer, and contextualizer.

It is our belief that journalism must be free to bark at power when it is abusive or corrupt, and to uncover activities that have been hidden or distorted by governments and corporations.

For journalism to be influential in this era, its information gathering, production, and distribution processes must be allowed to flow un-inhibited to allow transparency. Openness earns trust and engagement, and allows journalists to moderate conversations—inside or outside a given medium—feeding those conversations with quality news and stories delivered in an appealing way on multiple platforms, anytime, anywhere. When independent journalism plays this role in society, its impact can be phenomenal. Where diverse, independent media can engage the public and thrive, the quality of public debate is better, and the more open a society is likely to become.

Pete Santilli has partnered with in an effort to create a platform for the more conservative independent journalists who struggle to keep up with today’s demand for a more open transparent conversation concerning our lives and the politics that guide us.

If all that is left after the door on independent media is closed is the mainstream media arguing with one another and choosing who we vote for then as a free society we are doomed.

Please help by donating to keep us viable on the internet and beyond.

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  1. hal
     /  Reply

    The governments actions against Santilli are like those used in Nazi Germany and any banana republic of the 1960’s. The murder of Lavoy Finicum, and the everything surrounding this case smells of high crimes perpetrated by the government. But its clear to most that had the government been able to, everyone involved now in jail would have been given Finicum Justice…eliminating a messy trial.

  2. Loren
     /  Reply


  3. Loren
     /  Reply


  4. Tabitha Grossman
     /  Reply

    Pete and Deb,
    I want to find out the details to advertise with you guys!
    Thank you!

  5. Lance Walden
     /  Reply

    I would like to be a subscriber. I do not see a login.. Plus I cant find the live daily stream.. Not to Pc savy.. I have heard you live during Bundy ranch. I almost wlaked out of the Veterans Hospital Bed to get there. I feel so bad I could not be there to help..eats at me alot… Thanks for what you do. God Bless. My E – Mail is from Sweden. NSA well all US GOV can not get in.. encrypted aswell.. look into it.. Plus Zone Alarm is the best security I have ever seen…

  6. kimbo
     /  Reply

    Hey gang good to see you back from hell. I stay with you folks up till they shut all your como down. Just letting you know your top shelf with your inter spirit and truth so very much captures the need of this country. Thanks for all is not enough for you and Deb.

  7. Anita Mann
     /  Reply

    oh yeah, so Many REPUBLICAN Native Americans wanted to vote and their votes were changed??? fucking idiot!! I have been to this most impoverished place in the U.S. many times and have never met a Republican Native American. NEVER! Even the tribal elders feel screwed by the REPub’s cuz of the energy rip off still in progress there re; coal and gas…. do your homework… this is pure crap…. SHAME ON YOU, DO THE WHOLE STORY — YOU CHERRY PICKING SOBs!!!!!

  8. Jeffrey Fargarson
     /  Reply

    RE episode 1306 – Thanks for pointing out the hypocrisy of Congresswoman Michelle Lujan Grisholm. She , unfortunately is the democratic candidate for Governor this year. Not only is she weak on border issues, but supports gun control and expanded welfare programs. She cannot be allowed to win in November or I fear New Mexico will be forever a S#!t Hole !

  9. Matt
     /  Reply

    I’m elated to see you back in the anchor chair! I participated in a related protest & spent almost 2 years in jail as a result. Be careful with the courts. Due process does not exist in the USA.

     /  Reply

    I made following post under your newest video:

    This is the letter I sent to meuller

    To: the imbecile heading this investigation,

    It is a very disturbing experience nowadays to continue living in this country, watching how criminals of your caliber continue to undermine the very last remaining vestiges of our republic. Your constant raids of people who are angels compared to your criminal ass are an absolute disgrace. You remind me of the kind of personality that would fit a gestapo cop character in some old movie. What fills me with an even greater disgust is the fact that treasonous bastards like you always find some low-life’s to work for them. I am surprised at the fact that any of your victims, especially, gen. M Flynn, were gullible enough to so much as utter a word to your stooges in actual reply. You know what my reply to any of you criminals would be? GO FUCK YOURSELVES! I DO NOT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS! I’m just a regular joe working from paycheck to paycheck trying to make an honest living by helping those who are sick in their bodies. Appears that the likes of you cannot be helped to, first, become human again and then to get any help. Can any of you, MULTIMILLIONAIRE PUBLIC SERVANTS say of yourselves that you’re earning an honest living or that you’re helping any human beings? (Don’t try to include your MONEY CHANGERS handlers in that category) How did you make your millions? How many people had to die for you to keep things quiet? You don’t even belong among those I consider human beings; so, don’t be surprised that I will never capitalize your name. As far as I am concerned, you’re already dead to humanity. Funny part is, your top leader, your father, you know who, hates the fools that follow him even more then those who don’t. To him you’re less then a cockroach or a spider; what kind of reward are you expecting from him? Bliss? You’re dumber then a dumbest farmer in some god-forsaken country. At least a dumb farmer can live a happy life and has a chance for an eternal life. You’re only capable of living this masquerade of a life and you have almost completely no chance of redemption. Don’t even count on getting some last minute chance to convert. You’re probably in a worse shape by now then your old pal hitler. Of course, you might, by some miracle, convert now and publicly admit all your crimes but what chances of that are there? Like I said: hell is waiting; it’s eternal and, in comparison, Auschwitz will seem like a child’s game in the beautiful park. ENJOY!

    With absolutely no respect,
    Sent from my iPad

    After that, the video was removed and comments were disabled. Lol! They are scared shitless of little people not being afraid of them.

  11. Jami
     /  Reply

    YouTube blocked your show saying. That is not viewable in my country. I know New Mexico is not really considered a state. But, it is USA. I took screen shot. Would like email it to you

  12. Thomas Wormington
     /  Reply

    Just wanted your email address.
    You 2 are doing a great job.
    Keep up the hard work!

  13. Mark White
     /  Reply

    Deb and Pete, just thought I’d send a message, you ain’t had any for a while.
    Yesterday’s 9pm show you were talking about circumcision, men not circumcised have more of a chance of getting Penile Cancer, Cancer of the penis.
    I should know, I had penile cancer, not the knackers but the penis shaft it’s self, I remember the Professor who done the surgery told me i had the biggest foreskin he had ever seen.
    But the pain after surgery was a killer for nearly three months, I had to wear a plastic drinking cup over the top of it so nothing could touch it.

    Just one thing, I was trying to tell you in a Superchat about penile cancer during the show, just the first line of this message and it would not accept it, kept saying error.

    Bye for now, hope I’m awake for afternoon show.
    Mad Cow Mark

  14. Nikki P
     /  Reply

    I signed up to support you a couple of months ago but i cant get any broadcasts, I think I want to switch to the truth finder program. Please help me do that.

  15. USCFHQ
     /  Reply

    Dear Pete,

    Thanks for your service. We have been following and promoting your work. Read the attached letter and help promote it on your platforms to secure our nation.

    Here is the link to our White House petition

    Here is the link to the full open letter to all LEOs to stop violating our rights (rights we need to counter-jihadi terrorism and tyranny in the US)

    Email me to discuss

  16. dagnytaggart@lostinausten
     /  Reply

    I took the liberty of going to PACER and downloading ALL of the #Epstein drops & making them into 2 batch pdfs.
    This way, it’s organized, and you dont have to pay.

    Batch 1 (20 MB – 366 pages)

    Batch 2 (124 MB – 644 pages)
    11:42 AM · Aug 9, 2019·Twitter for Android

  17. Charles Thompson
     /  Reply

    I was just watching the on the ground footage of Epstein Island on BIN. There is a fiberglass cow on one of the lawns. That cow came from the DNC Convention in Philadelphia. My uncle is a former Governor of PA and had local artists make those cows for the convention. Those cows were later donated to the elitists.

  18. Tom Martin
     /  Reply

    I was laying in bed and heard over the TV that Julian Assange was in Leavenworth prison in Kansas and has been sentenced to death. Can you verify this?

  19. Nutritree
     /  Reply

    You should reign in ban happy circle jerkers in dlive

  20. lex
     /  Reply

    Greetings, I can help, here is SUPPORT…!!!

    My name is Lex, PLEASE if may, I would like to communicate with you as I have a REALLY great idea for a MEME and a Tee shirt to Support Donald Trump, but as I am sixty years old and am what may be considered “Computer illiterate” and do not have the first clue as to how to go about creating the MEME. Sort of like being all dressed up and no where to go…lol, I think you will really like the idea once you hear it and I think it will become a SLOGAN for the Trump 2020 election campaign, also I want to create Tee shirts that the MEME will promote. I guarantee that it will sell MILLIONS of Tee shirts..! The demoncrypt libtards will go over the edge and they will be saying NOoooo….! …LOL,

    Everyone will be parroting the meme and slogan..!

    I hope you will not hesitate to contact me and I would very much look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you in advance for your kind offer of communication and assistance, Kindest regards, …Lex. 360-510-2138

  21. lex
     /  Reply

    Greetings, I can help, here is support for you.!!!

    My name is Lex, PLEASE if may, I would like to communicate with you as I have a REALLY great idea for a MEME and a Tee shirt to Support Donald Trump, but as I am sixty years old and am what may be considered “Computer illiterate” and do not have the first clue as to how to go about creating the MEME. Sort of like being all dressed up and no where to go…lol, I think you will really like the idea once you hear it and I think it will become a SLOGAN for the Trump 2020 election campaign, also I want to create Tee shirts that the MEME will promote. I guarantee that it will sell MILLIONS of Tee shirts..! The demoncrypt libtards will go over the edge and they will be saying NOoooo….! …LOL,

    Everyone will be parroting the meme and slogan..!

    I hope you will not hesitate to contact me and I would very much look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you in advance for your kind offer of communication and assistance, Kindest regards, …Lex. 360-510-2138

  22. lex
     /  Reply

    Greetings, Please, I can help, here is support for you.!!!

    My name is Lex, PLEASE if may, I would like to communicate with you as I have a REALLY great idea for a MEME and a Tee shirt to Support Donald Trump, but as I am sixty years old and am what may be considered “Computer illiterate” and do not have the first clue as to how to go about creating the MEME. Sort of like being all dressed up and no where to go…lol, I think you will really like the idea once you hear it and I think it will become a SLOGAN for the Trump 2020 election campaign, also I want to create Tee shirts that the MEME will promote. I guarantee that it will sell MILLIONS of Tee shirts..! The demoncrypt libtards will go over the edge and they will be saying NOoooo….! …LOL,

    Everyone will be parroting the meme and slogan..!

    I hope you will not hesitate to contact me and I would very much look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you in advance for your kind offer of communication and assistance, Kindest regards, …Lex. 360-510-2138

  23. Douglas Ducote
     /  Reply

    Another fucktard with a show.Quit your show asshole I want to be the only show around I know the facts not you

  24. Ken
     /  Reply

    Pete Santilli = Jew Loving Liar/Deceiver

    1 Thessalonian 2:14-16

  25. Eddie
     /  Reply

    Pete like many other “Patriots” I follow your show as an independent News source. Concerning this… “Manufactured”…”Plan-dimic”.. Deep state “Live-Action-FEMA-Exercise”…”Psychological Operation”.. I am very disappointed in your regurgitating the official talking points. Yes, you tip-toe around the matter but refuse to expose what this crap truly is. As a Health Care/Medical Professional myself I can say with certainty that the numbers of cases & deaths are inflated, falsified & fictitious, its the pandemic that never was. This is a cover to lock down a world in an international banking collapse, Martial Law & a financial reset. Why are you not talking about the obvious..
    -Why is COG activated?
    -Why is NORAD activated & locked down?
    -Why is a million man reserve force recalled to active duty?
    -Why is an entire Naval fleet pulled out of mothball & activated?
    -Why is a large volume of heavy armor being moved around the country?
    -Why is America preparing for open Civil War or worse WW3?
    -Tanks don’t deliver gloves & gowns, cruise missiles don’t deliver medication & Howitzers don’t deliver surgical masks.. Its what you refuse to say that speaks volumes dude, apparently you got the phone call or your little visit from the men in Black.. If you want to cure COVID-19 just turn off the f-ing News, start reporting what the people actually need to know.

  26. Jean Hertler
     /  Reply

    Pete, I have enjoyed your show in interview with Major General Paul Vallely. The show where you asked him about Qanon and he responded that it was an operation from Military Intelligence out of Virginia (Northern Army of…). I spread the link to that program on Gen Vallely’s two facebook groups and in other large groups on FB and on Twitter. It was exciting for many to hear that. Over the weekend Kevin Shipp, former CIA now whistleblower, put out a social media attack on the General saying that he was trying to penetrate the Q movement (referring to your show) pointing out a document Gen Vallely wrote when he was a Colonel in the Army “From PsyOps to Mindwar” that was written with practicing satanist General Michael Aquino, NSA. (Aquino was not a General and the piece circulating has Gen Vallely’s name spelled wrong…) Shipp said this general has covertly trained and led the CIA’s Islamic Free Syrian Army. He said to warn the Q anons and puts his #GODWINS and #WWG1WGAWORLDWIDE in there to make himself look like one of them. I contacted Gen V and told him he was being attacked; he was aware of it. He and Gen McInerny removed Shipp from the Citizens Commission on National Security. I see this as retaliation. General Vallely is such an honorable man; a man of valor. He kept us out of WWIII and write strategies and plans for President Trump–particularly on the Southern Border. Pete, will you look into this and see what you can do to redeem this good man’s name and honor among the Q patriot movement? I am happy to share screen shots of Shipp tweets and another guy circulating it (that is into ET and psychics) that has most of the Qanons supporting this great dishonor. Last night I listened to an anon, McAllister TV, on her YouTube video just blast Gen Vallely. She said she even called him and described him as a frail old man. I was so disheartened as the disgrace of this is so very egregious. If you would look into this and restore honor where honor should held in high esteem and if I can assist in any way, I will be happy and grateful. Thank you.

  27. Homeline Security
     /  Reply

    Last night 3/3/21 I found a drop of whistle blower transcripts that uncover FBI. Implicate RR, JB, HRC, and explains Seth R. Provided by Line Wood it is a must read revelation.

  28. Jon
     /  Reply

    PETE, just saw that the WSJ has a headline stating that MODERNA begins testing its vaccine in children ranging 6 months to 11 years!!!! Now they’re coming for our children. I hope this message gets to you and Deb.


    A concerned Citizen

  29. Nickolas
     /  Reply

    Concerning CLEAR phones. How is it safe and private and encrypted when microsoft is slated to purchase clear companies for 150 billion?

    Anybody can purchase a phone and have the operating system changed to Linux ubuntu or any one they choose.

    This doesn’t make sense …

  30. blurrygirl in a blurry world
     /  Reply

    Warning Agenda Shift:
    Climate Change Mainstream media new COVID?

    High ranking CNN Technical Director caught talking about how fear sells…

    Notice how they mention that now that covid is starting to wind down the next push twill be climate change? Check out the following videos…

    Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci kept saying 12 to 18 months.

    Why would a software developer be making vaccines is he a medical doctor?

    Biden said if we are good we can go out and play in July. Could these predictions be related?

    CNN said they would focus on climate change next. Admitted fear ramps up ratings. What if they could control the weather? Sounds crazy right? Ever wonder how they can so accurately predict the weather these days? Doesn’t seem a bit cold for it being almost April? Is it possible these things are related?
    Oops Did he say too much? “Alleged to, Alleged to” (wink wink)

    Remember what the CNN guy said “Only a grassroots network could be unbiased”. So what about all these videos on the subject? If there isn’t a seed of truth why then all of these “Grassroots” people posting these videos?

  31. Clint
     /  Reply

    Hi Pete,

    Thank you for all of the great information you provide. I realize you are very busy; however, I believe the following information would be beneficial to your historical perspective.


  32. Patricia Black
     /  Reply

    The Sheriff is the legal force with the most power on the land and soil. Their job is to make sure the Constitution is upheld. We need Sheriffs on board in every county in America. They have to be willing to actually uphold the constitution. There is not a sheriff over Washington DC thus it is their “safe haven” to get away with what they get away with. You need to speak with Sheriff Mack I know Sheriff Mack and have given him copies of enough constitutions to get to every Sheriff in the country through

  33. Shawn Benzinger
     /  Reply

    I just completed viewing of your remarkable management of the Mr. Pullister and Mr. Colbert interview. I was a medical talk show host for 21 years and I was astonished and amazed at your handling of that program. Majority of my programs were live, so you can only imagine how tough that can be, however what you did to pull that off was nothing short of a work of art. I am so impressed and will be watching more and more.
    God Bless,
    Dr. Shawn Benzinger (Benzinger on Health)

  34. Not Putz
     /  Reply

    Ladies and Gentlemen,
    I don’t think many of you (and your “R elected officials”) fully understand what’s going on and who is in power.
    This book, published in 1924 (yes) and translated FOR YOU in 2014, should give you full understanding of who these people are and what they are capable of.
    These are this same type of people, with the same ideology, who are in complete control with the technology, that didn’t exist back then.
    When you read Chapter 4 ‘Systemic Hostage-taking’ think about people they keep in prison after Jan. 6 – they’ve already started the “active measures”.
    Please, download, READ, understand, warn the others.
    Contact Pete, let him know. Alex J. may be compromised, but I’ll try his audience anyway.
    “Red Terror” in Russia,1918 – 1923.

  35. Mae Warren
     /  Reply

    This Dr Taylor Marshall is so good on the infiltration of the Catholic Church. Watch Nancy Pelosi’s visit with the Pope in this video.

  36. Zoro1
     /  Reply


    It would appear from this phone call below, directly made to Pfizer that there is currently no FDA approved Vax available in the USA. The only Vax approved was the Comirnaty product which is NOT currently available in the US. The Pfizer Biontech is still under Emergency Use Authorization and is NOT FDA Approved. If any health care professional told you it is then they were not being truthful and your rights to informed consent may have been violated.

    In addition, all those employers that fired staff because they refused to participate in a medical trial/ experiment with a non FDA approved jab will be soon in for a rude awakening. The big pharma have a liability shield 🛡 the employers do NOT.

    Hear it from Pfizers own agents as they struggle to answer simple questions. This would then mean anyone pushing this so called, non approved jab in the Government, Private sector, medical field or Media may have violated numerous laws such as:

    18 U.S. Code § 2331
    (5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
    (b) appear to be intended—
    (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
    (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion

    If the Pfizer Biontech (still under Emergency Use Authorization) is not FDA Approved, as suggested by the call below, then anyone forced or coerced to take it as a requirement for work, travel, or leisure will be unwilling victims in an ongoing experiment, which is also in direct violation of a number of points of the Nuremberg Code. Both of these violations carry extreme penalties and anyone found guilty can be tried domestically and in International Criminal Courts. All those companies, media and Gov Officials involved will soon be held accountable. The European trials are already gearing up. God help them all.

  37. John C.
     /  Reply

    Pete, great interview with Dr. Robert Malone! He mentioned how the NBA is in cahoots with the CCP. When Enes Kanter Freedom spoke out against the CCP’s human rights violations and called them a brutal dictatorship, he ultimately was blacklisted from the NBA as the Boston Celtics just traded him and he was waived. So because he spoke out against China he lost his job in the NBA. You should get him on your show as a guest. He just became an American citizen and changed his name to Freedom.

  38. Tobin Barrett
     /  Reply

    Did you know that Putin put Bibles in all Public schools of Russia many in 2013 and required mandatory Christian education for all students unless their parents signed them out of it?


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